
Net Zero and the Role of Ports

Net zero in maritime ports

Oil Spill Response – Safeguarding Our Oceans

Oil Spill Response by DEMC

Drake Energy & Maritime Case Studies

DEMC Case Study 2024

Environmental Sustainability Policy

Energy Sustainability

Work Place Health and Safety Policy

Norwegian Petroleum Industry

Energy & Maritime Consultants

Norway is the largest producer of oil and gas in western Europe. The petroleum industry (including supporting industries) contributes 28 per cent of Norwegian Gross Domestic Product and 40 per cent of state revenues. The Norwegian petroleum industry like the Australian offshore petroleum industry is mature to late-life. Norway’s sovereign wealth fund, which is funded

Petroleum Risk Analysis

Drake Energy & Maritime Consulting is pleased to have been appointed by the Commonwealth Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources and the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority to undertake an analysis of the offshore petroleum oil pollution risk landscape in Australia. The landscape analysis will identify the possible and probable future

Inland Rail and Efficiency of Australia’s Containerised Trade

Inland Rail is a $14 billion investment by the Australian Government in new and improving existing standard gauge rail infrastructure along a 1,700 km route between Melbourne and Brisbane. At Parkes in NSW there will be a connection to the line to Sydney and the East – West rail network which connects Perth, Adelaide and

Decarbonisation and Gas Pipelines

Decarbonisation and Gas Pipelines

Drake Energy & Maritime Consulting is pleased to have been appointed by the Commonwealth Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources and the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority to undertake an analysis of the offshore petroleum oil pollution risk landscape in Australia. The landscape analysis will identify the possible and probable future

Drake Energy & Maritime Announcement 2020

PANEL ANNOUNCEMENT Drake Energy & Maritime Consulting is pleased to have been appointed to the Energy Business and Technical Services Panel by the Commonwealth Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources.

Drake Energy and Maritime Consulting