Toby Stone

Senior Consultant

Higher National Diploma Nautical Sciences (Distinction) UK

Her Majesty's Coastguard District Management and Operational Command Qualifications

Search and Rescue Mission and Senior Mission Coordinator Qualifications

Toby started his career with BP Shipping in 1978 as a Deck Officer. After 10 years at sea he forged a career ashore working within government, initially as a Coastguard Officer in the UK with the maritime administration and latterly with AMSA, the maritime administration for Australia. Toby’s last post at AMSA was the General Manager Response.

Toby’s experience includes:

Toby assisted in the Review of Command, Control, Salvage and Intervention with the late Lord Donaldson of Lymington. The report globally influenced casualty response introducing the SOSREP and MERCOM functions.

Toby’s primary areas of specialisation are:

Toby Stone

Drake Energy and Maritime Consulting